How Come Women Dont Like to Wear Dresss as Often

The age-old question: What do the ladies want men to wear?

I've done the research and the ladies have spoken.

Whether they're married or single – women have certain expectations when it comes to the way men dress. Even if they don't like to admit it, most women will judge a man on his appearance.

To save you time and one heck of a headache, in today's article I'm providing you with the definitive guide to the 10 things women love to see a man wear.

Read carefully gents, because some of these might surprise you.

#4 surprised even me.

Let's get to it.

attractive lady and man
  1. A Fitted Suit
  2. An Impressive Wrist Watch
  3. A Signature Scent
  4. The Color Pink
  5. Boxer Briefs (Not Y-Fronts!)
  6. Stylish Jeans (Not Dad Jeans)
  7. High Quality Shoes
  8. The Cashmere Sweater
  9. The V-Neck T-Shirt
  10. A Great Smile & Fresh Breath

1. A Fitted Suit

well fitted suit is a thing women want men to wear

We all know the purpose of a suit — clothing that projects high standards in business and formal settings. Nowadays, suits aren't commonly worn on first dates. However, the ladies love them when worn appropriately.

Women like it when you dress to impress for special occasions like your wedding anniversary. Wearing a suit shows you are willing to put in the effort and look your best.

Trust me – the ladies appreciate a thoughtful man who goes the extra mile.

However – whenever you wear a suit, it's got to be the right fit. A suit should make you appear to have a trimmed waist, broad shoulders, and large hands – helping to promote the instinctive attraction women have to the classic "V-shaped" body type.

Never underestimate the power of a suit. Wear it well.

2. An Impressive Watch

great looking wrist watch is an accessory women want men to wear

Owning an impressive watch doesn't just make you look wealthy – it also portrays you as thoughtful in social settings where a cellphone may not be appropriate.

Many of us use smartphones to tell the time. Don't get me wrong – I love the convenience of my smartphone, but using it around friends and family can often be considered rude.

Try checking the time with a subtle flick of the wrist and a glance at your timepiece – those around you will recognize your efforts to remain polite and chances are you'll catch the eye of a few ladies looking to find a thoughtful, well-mannered gentleman.

If you have a well-styled and occasion-appropriate timepiece on your wrist – it catches their eyes and helps to improve their first impression of you.

After all – watches say a lot about a man's personal style. What's more – they make great conversation starters with women you choose to approach.

3. A Signature Scent

women want men to smell good
Do not be like 80% of American men – pick a fragrance that sets you apart.

A pleasant scent is often the #1 factor for women choosing a potential partner. I bet when you asked yourself "what do the ladies want men to wear?" you didn't put fragrance at the top of your list.

Listen up, gents. Researchers in Europe have published a study in thePersonality and Individual Differences journal about the factors that contribute to a woman's "mate selection" process.

In short – the study reports that women rate olfactory (smell) cues as more important than visual cues. Basically, gents, a lot of women consider your scent more important than your look.

What can we take away from this? It's simple – don't underestimate a woman's sense of smell. She uses it far more than you think.

With that knowledge – your goal should be to find the perfect fragrance for your personal style. You may have to try a number of samples before you find one that truly works. To get you started, check out this article to begin to understand the different fragrances for men.

4. The Color Pink

men wearing pink attract women
Pink will make you look more elated – whether you try to or not.

Pink has an appeal that goes far beyond the socially constructed views of masculinity. In the 21st century, it takes a lot of confidence for a guy to wear shades of pink.

Gents – I want you to remember the basic rule of dating. Women love a confident man!

Wearing pink is a great way to show women that you're a step above the rest when it comes to confidence in your masculinity. You're brave, bold, and you know you can pull off a pink garment when the time is right.

Pink is also associated with positive emotions. French researchers at the University of Poitiers conducted a study about the color pink in 2014. Their findings revealed that wearing pink helps accentuate happy faces and portrays positive emotions.

Keep this in mind, gents. After all, every man knows the ladies respond well to good vibes and positive energy.

5. Boxer Briefs (Not Y-Fronts!)

Boxer Briefs is favorite men's underwear accordingly to women
Boxer briefs: Men love to wear them, women love to see them.

The best of both worlds: boxer briefs combine the shape of boxers with the close-fitting feel of briefs. They're not prone to chafing, they don't leave your manhood hanging down, and you can wear them comfortably at the gym or whenever you go for a run.

A Men's Health study shows 58% of women prefer their men in boxer briefs to other underwear types – but why do they love them so much? Believe it or not, women love clothes that perfectly fit a man's body (ie. clothes that don't seem too large or small for him.)

Boxer briefs do just that – they help to show off the lower part of your abdomen and flatter your physique – as long as they fit you just right.

6. Stylish Jeans (Not Dad Jeans)

Jeans are timeless – period. Regardless of age or body type, every guy needs a good pair of jeans in his closet. Why? Just look back through recent history.

Denim jeans have always been a part of American pop culture – from modern action heroes to the iconic cowboy characters that dominated Western films. Many masculine icons have worn denim jeans – from Jim Stark inRebel Without A Cause (played by James Dean) to Bruce Springsteen's blue-collar persona throughout the '80s.

Women have loved men in jeans throughout the last 100 years – and it appears this trend will only continue through the 21st century and beyond.

However, jeans that fit perfectly aren't so easy to find for a lot of body types. There are many brands and cuts and styles – so you'll need some trial and error before you settle on the right fit for your body type.

7. High Quality Shoes

pair of stylish mens dress shoes
Spare no expense when it comes to dress shoes. They should last you a lifetime.

Regardless of your style or profession – every man should own a good pair of clean shoes to show that he pays attention to the small details.

They say the eyes are windows to the soul. I say that shoes are the windows to your style.

The fact is – women can interpret many things about you and your personality simply by looking at the shoes on your feet. They've got you worked out before you even start talking.

I'll be brutally honest here, gents. Flimsy shoes make you look cheap. Worn-out and dirty shoes make it seem like you don't take care of yourself. No shoes at all? Well, let's not even go there.

Stylish shoes, on the other hand – Oxfords, Monk Straps, Italian moccasins and so on – not only show you have excellent attention to detail but also prove you've got fantastic taste and style.

Infographic - Essential Shoes

Remember that the type of material also plays a part. In general,suede shoes go well with social settings whilecalfskin shoes suit slightly dressier events. If you opt for sneakers – the keyword is minimalism. Plain white sneakers can work well with smart pants in some situations.

8. The Cashmere Sweater

cashmere v-neck sweater

Cashmere is lightweight wool that offers excellent insulation. Compared to regular sheep wool, it makes a sweater more functional and fashionable. It adds a lot of softness to your style, and women love to touch it.

They love guys with a warmer, "sensitive" side that contrasts their everyday manliness.

The same Men's Health study that showed women's preference for boxer briefs also had a survey on textures of clothing. The results show that men who wear cashmere sweaters attract more women than those who wear other types of fabric.

So even though cashmere costs more (as cashmere goat hair is limited in supply), you should seriously consider its long-term benefits.

Purchase a neutral-colored, cashmere sweater ready for those winter months and cold rainy days when you want to get up close and personal with the lady in your life.

9. The V-Neck T-Shirt

stylish guy in v-neck tee

The one thing that gives V-necks an edge over crew neck outfits is the power of the V shape. It's more versatile and it is less likely to be mistaken for an undershirt.

The shape also makes your cheekbones appear wider than your jawline, which helps to give athletic guys an even stronger appeal. V-necks bring out the most masculine aspects of your body – from your cheekbones to your chest.

The v-neck t-shirt is a safe bet for most occasions. However, avoid V-necks that go too low and overexpose the chest. Many women state that these are "too much" and may become a turn-off rather than a turn-on.

10. A Great Smile & Fresh Breath

Man in suit with smile
If your breath stinks, you can kiss your chances goodbye.

This last item requires no shopping or searching in your closet. It has everything to do with your face – especially your mouth.

A 2013 journal article published inCognition & Emotionproves how effective smiling is. Their research shows smiling is the simplest and cheapest way to make someone appear more attractive.

To passers-by, those that smile appear to have better health, openness, and trustworthiness than those who do not.

A beautiful smile is the result of a well-structured grooming routine that makes men attractive to women.

So say cheese all the time, don't forget to brush your teeth, floss regularly, and drink lots of water. Use breath mints regularly and visit your dentist every six months.

Considering its influence over how you are perceived, you don't want your smile to be sub-par when you need it most! Worried about your smile? Check out this page for ways to get your teeth whitened at home.

Bonus: Women Love Confidence

I couldn't limit myself to only giving 10 answers to the question: what do the ladies want men to wear? So, I thought I'd go one better…

Nothing can replace confidence. Your wardrobe might be fantastic and your smile might be pearly white – but if you lack confidence in yourself, those things won't matter one bit.

One quick way to build up confidence is to have a set skincare routine that prevents dry, flaky skin and fine lines from appearing. For a simple skincare routine, I would suggest grabbing VITAMAN's Sample Kit and testing out premium skincare products made from natural ingredients.

If you learn to feel great about yourself, everything gets easier! Your words and gestures become more natural, your sense of humor comes out, and chances are you'll start to enjoy social interaction a whole lot more.

Own your look, gents. Have confidence in yourself, and the charisma and charm women love will become second nature to you in no time. Want to impress women with your success? Try my 10 Tips To Increase Productivity and Avoid Distractions.

Click below to watch the video – 10 Things That Men Do That Accidentally Push Women Away


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